interview n. 1.接见;会见;会谈;协商。 2.(记者的)访问;访问记。 3.口头审查。 have [hold] an interview with sb. 会见某人。 give [grant] an interview to sb. 接见某人。 job interview 对申请工作者的口头审查。 vt. 接见;会见;(记者)访问。 n. -ee 被会见者;被接见者;被采访者。 n. -er 会见者;接见者;采访者。
How do you select students for group interview 请问如何甄选学生参加小组面试?
The main devices are questionnaires and group interview 调查工具主要是问卷和集体访谈:一
I stand out in a group interview 在集体面试中脱颖而出。
The preliminary assessment consists of two parts , i . e . physical fitness test and group interview 初步遴选分为两部份,即体能测试及小组面试。
Candidates must pass the physical fitness test before they will be arranged to attend the group interview 投考人须于通过体能测后方会被安排参加小组面试。
What do you make of the design of the pre - screening questionnaire and the focus group interview protocols 你对此计划筛选问卷设计和焦点小组访谈计划的看法。
What do you make of the design of the pre - screening questionnaire and the focus group interview protocols 你对此预先筛选问卷的设计和焦点小组访谈草案的了解为何?
After passing the physical fitness test , candidates will be arranged to attend the group interview held on the same day 于通过体能测试后,投考人会获安排参加同日进行的小组面试。
The primary purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of focus group interview technique in industrial design 本文的目的是探讨焦点团体访谈在设计领域的应用,并以远距协同设计案为例。
Seven sessions of focus group interviews were conducted in march and a total of 47 primary and secondary school students in the kowloon city were interviewed 是项调查于2004年3月期间进行了7次学生焦点小组访问,深入访问了九城区47名中小学生。